Thursday, March 6, 2008


Perhaps some of you have already seen this site, but Ponoko is:

"the world's first personal manufacturing platform. It's the online space for a community of creators and consumers to use a global network of digital manufacturing hardware to co-create, make and trade individualized product ideas on demand."

It appears to be a place to upload designs to be laser-cut in a variety of materials and set directly to you - personalized manufacturing on demand. While you can't check pricing without uploading a design, I'm guessing its probably priced more for prototyping than manufacturing.

They are also sponsoring a jewelry design contest, which is open until March 10th.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading your story, thanks for writing about us!

Btw, you can follow us here:

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Looking forward to your next installment.

Best wishes,
